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[영어회화] Can you imagine world without meat?

by Delphi_Hotti 2024. 6. 8.

Hello Everyone,


I love meat very much. So I can't imagine world without meat.

Eating vegetarian meals can prevent various diseases and climate change. 

Nevertheless, I love meat. So I prepared this topic.

1. How often does meat on go on your table? and how often does vegetable go on your table?

- I can say I'm addicted to meat. If there is not any meat on table, I would be dissapointed.

So I tried to count how many times meat goes on my table, I guess that it would be once in day.

but It's not only meat but also vegetable too.

for me, It is kind of balance for texture of foods and other tasty,

If I only eat meat, I might be easily sick of eating meat. but If I have some vegetable which is different texture from meat. Then It makes me refresh to eat more meat.



2. If the meat disappears, will there be any side effects on the human body?

- Oh my god, I can't imagine that meat disappears whole world. It could be disaster and I can't only think about this on human body effects.

First of all, our society will be collapsed becasue this is one of joy to enjoy life.

If there is no meat in world, I'm pretty sure that everyone is always angry and they would not be satisfied with eating.

Second, for human body, absolutely it's not good for balance of nutrient.

for example, Steve jobs who was founder of Apple company. since he had went to India, he started eating vegetable diet.

but he got cancer. and few a years later from he died, some doctor released some study that this unbalance diet makes some trouble in his body.

I know this is one of study which can't trust. but we can consider this side too becuase unblanace nutrient is critical to human.



3. I think eating vegetables is also important. How should we choose the ratio between vegetables and meat?

- I'm not mathematical person even I'm really bad at math.

So I can't choose exact ratio between vegetables and meat but when I have meal, I'm always conscious about eating vegetable.

for instance, when I have pizza I try to order any salad or side dishes which is like pickles or Coleslaw.

I believe that this could be helpful to make blance between meat and vegetable.





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